Our Ministry

2 Chronicles 7:14
Sherry Damron Ministries (SDM) was founded on the revelation of “trash to treasure.” For you see, SHE (Sherry Damron) was the trash in whom God found treasure. If God can do it for one, He will do it for another. SDM is not interested in building another church. There are churches on every corner, yet the sad truth is, we are more deficient in The Word of God than at any other time in history.
People who are hurting don’t want to hear our church bells; they need to see our Jesus. As the Pastor and CEO of SDM, Sherry Damron has been commissioned to reach broken, bruised, and hurting people of all ethnicities, backgrounds, and nationalities with The Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by offering an experience rather than entertainment.
It is apparent that the medium for outreach, in this generation, has become media/social media, and although this venue is largely negative, we believe we should take every opportunity possible to counteract with a positive message. Not a religious, churchy message, but a genuine message of the hope found only in Christ, emanating from people who are real and who have “been there-done that,” yet been changed.
The truth is: when broken people see someone who was once broken, but is now whole; someone who was crippled, but now walks; someone who was blind, but now sees: HOPE SPRINGS FORTH.
There is life after abuse; there is life after addiction, being abandoned, incarcerated, and even divorced. Whether a person is homeless or just simply tired from the struggle, this ministry is a beacon of hope where all may “EXPERIENCE” the cleansing, changing Word of God.
SDM holds regular services for our church body, “The Sanctuary,” every Sunday morning. People are being blessed around the world through our live stream. Those who watch our programs via TV, social media, or in house have found a place for prayer, counseling, and teaching to help get their lives back on track, or simply to worship and enjoy the anointing which flows from others who have experienced the effects of the Word of God in their lives.
“Trash to Treasure” was a faint dream rumbling in my spirit. I was only one broken woman, and I wondered: could trash really become treasure? It was a thought I almost gave up on, BUT GOD! This vision is now being birthed to the nations. Through the lens of a camera, conferences, books, and other, yet uncharted venues people are feeling the presence of God and daring to believe again.
Pastor Sherry travels extensively telling her story for His Glory. Her venues include: churches, women’s conferences, and drug and alcohol centers. She also has a passion for women who are warring with the thought of abortion, as well as, for fathers and mothers aching to have a child and cannot. Whether the reason is infertility, abuse, or endometriosis, this is a pain that she knows very well. Because of her struggles adoption is another deep passion in her heart, which she addresses in her conferences. She has also been anointed to speak to children who have been adopted and their families to help them overcome the emotional hurdles they face during and after the process.
She tells the story often of how she once asked an old saint of God: “how do you know when a vision is from God?” Her reply I will never forget: “when it’s bigger than you!” This vision is much bigger than Sherry Damron. This vision includes all who will enjoy the fruit of realizing they ARE TREASURE, from coast to coast. This vision includes “WHOSOEVER WILL.” THIS VISION INCLUDES YOU!
God Bless you
Pastor Sherry Damron
OUR Mission and Purpose
Mission Statement
That all may experience the Word of God, be transformed by the Blood of Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to birth and grow disciples who impact the world.
Reach the broken, bruised, and abused throughout the nations with the Word of God